
What Triggers Depression?

Depression is a medical condition nobody wants to experience. It’s both a mental disorder and a state of mind. When you start experiencing melancholy, loss of pleasure, lack of concentration, among others, it’s an indication that you have depression. 

However, nobody can accurately tell you what causes depression. But certain things trigger it. And if you can identify and avoid these triggers, you can keep this mental disorder at arm’s length. 

Surprisingly, depression knows no age discrimination. It affects people of almost any age and could trigger suicidal thoughts. 

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of every 10 adults in the United States live with depression. And recurring depressive episodes could make you hopeless and unproductive in life. 

Here are things that trigger depression:

Brain Chemistry Imbalance 

Certain chemical substances help different sections of your brain to communicate with each other. 

These chemical substances, which include dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, are called neurotransmitters. They are responsible for regulating your mood. However, when these neurotransmitters aren’t balanced, they could trigger depression. 

So, if any of the neurotransmitters trigger your depression, you will undergo medications that will alter these chemical substances. 

Physical Health and Medical Conditions 

People with chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis are more prone to depression. 

There’s always a relationship between the mind and the body. So, whenever you are suffering from any physical health problem, the mind will be affected. 

Family History and Genetics 

If there’s a history of depression in your family, you will be at risk of having it. Research suggests that about 40% of depression is triggered by genetics. 

However, researchers haven’t been able to point out the genes that trigger depression and other mood disorders. But they believed that several genes could be responsible for depression. And if they can understand and identify these genes, they can come up with more effective treatments. 

Poor Nutrition 

This may sound surprising to you, but poor nutrition could trigger depression. If you are deficient in certain minerals or vitamins, you may start experiencing depression symptoms. 

According to research, diets that are low in omega – 3 fatty acids or with imbalanced omega 6 to omega- 3 ratios could cause depression. Similarly, diets with high sugar can also trigger depression. 


Stress is one of the major triggers of depression. Whenever you are overwhelmed by a stressful life situation, you are prone to depression. 

Normally, when you are stressed, your body secretes a high level of cortisol. This may affect your neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, which triggers depression and other mood disorders. 

Grief and Loss 

Grief is another common factor that triggers depression. You tend to experience depression symptoms like insomnia, poor appetite, loss of pleasure, etc. when grieving a loved one’s demise. 

Ordinarily, symptoms of grief will naturally go after a while. But if they get worse, it’s an indication that the grief may have triggered depression. 

Substance Use

Excessive use of substances like drugs and alcohol can trigger depressive disorders. Surprisingly, experts have linked some prescription drugs with depression. 

Prescription drugs like anticonvulsant, beta-blockers, statins, benzodiazepines, corticosteroids, etc could trigger depression. 

So, it’s advisable to carefully review medications before taking them. Also, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor if you are feeling depressed due to taking prescribed medications. 

Losing a Job 

Losing a job is a negative experience that could trigger the depressive disorder. When you find yourself in such a situation, you tend to feel rejected, mourn your lost relationships with your colleagues at work, and fear your financial future. 

However, it advisable to give yourself time to process a job loss. Of course, it’s frustrating and painful. But look for the silver lining. Who knows, it could be a perfect opportunity for you to change a career path. It could also allow you to develop yourself better. 

Financial Problem 

Being broke can cause depression. When you are constantly worried and stressed about your inability to meet your financial obligation, you are at risk of being depressed. 

Instead of wallowing in depression, you can develop strategies that can help increase your financial stability. 

Being Overweight

Overweight is another possible trigger of depression. In Australian, a study of mental wellbeing involving 1200 volunteers was carried out. The study suggested that overweight people are more likely to suffer from depression than those who aren’t overweight. 

Try to always evaluable your lifestyle to see if you are making the right choices. If possible, make smart and long term lifestyle changes. Additionally, engage in physical exercises like short walks and aerobics exercises. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are overweight or not; if you are consistent with your physical exercises, you are less likely to be depressed. 

Poor Sleeping Habits 

Do you know your sleeping habits can trigger depression? Series of studies suggested that there’s a relationship between sleep and depression. 

People who have the habit of sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours every day are more prone to depression than those that only sleep between the recommended 6 hours and 8 hours. 

Poor sleeping habits can cause several mental disorders, including depression and mood. However, the following sleeping hygiene will help to improve your sleeping habits; 

  • Have a bedtime and wake up routine
  • Turn off any electronic that could stimulate you while sleeping; 
  • Try to make your bedroom calm and inviting. If possible, reduce the sources of light, sounds, and discomfort. 
  • Try to calm your nerves before going to bed. You can use relaxation techniques like drinking warm milk, taking a bubble bath, reading, etc. 


Your personality could also trigger depression. For instance, if you are always worried, have low-self esteem, don’t like criticism, are a perfectionist, etc., you tend to have depression. 


Depression doesn’t just develop; a combination of factors can trigger it. If you are experiencing any depressive symptoms, seek support immediately. 

It’s possible to experience depression without any trigger. If this is your situation, seek medical attention immediately. 

Written by Andre

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