
Dealing With Depression

There is a difference between being unhappy and being depressed. Being sad is a temporary situation, while depression goes beyond just being unhappy; it eats deep into one’s psychic. Many things can lead you into depression; it may be a breakup, loss of a lost loved one, lose of business, money, you name it. Depression has been categorized into three main parts: Clinical depression, Persistent depressive disorder, and Bipolar disorder, but we won’t be going into details with them. This article is meant to highlight major signs of depression and how to deal with them. Below, we have listed some popular signs of depression every one should look out for. 

10 Common Signs of Depression

1. Sad Looks

This may be complicated in a way. The fact that someone is having a bad time and looks sad does not in any way mean that they are depressed. Depression comes when the sad mood persists for an extended period of time.  This will for sure calls for concern. Many things sum up a sad look in a person… first is that feeling of self-hate, self-guilt, e.t.c. 

2. Lost if Interest

Depressed people hardly find interest in anything. To them, nothing matters anymore. When people are looking for their soul mate, finding a new hobby, looking for other innovative ways to do things, they are usually stuck in their shadows. Those who have a job often feel reluctant going to work and start losing interest in practically everything you once loved doing. For married couples, they won’t only ignore their spouse but they will also completely lose interest showing affection.

3. Sleep Deprivation

Depressed people barely sleep well, even at night. Research has shown that depression can lead to insomnia. And remember that lack of sleep can be very dangerous to an individual’s health.  The body (especially the brain) needs rest for effective functioning. So when you notice that someone close to you is having problems sleeping in the night, calling them closer for examination might be the best option.

4. Anxiety

Though there has not been any scientific proof that depression courses anxiety, the point is, the two are connected. Some major signs of anxiety are fidget mind, panic, paranoia, hasty heartbeat, hasty breathing, muscle twitching, increased sweating, lack of focus, not being able to think clearly, e.t.c. If the anxiety lasts longer than a week, there is a possibility that they may be depressed.

5. Irritability

This often happens among the female folks; when they are depressed, they automatically became irritated with the opposite sex. This is common among broken relationships; when the girl thinks she is being cheated on, she begins to develop an irritability behavior channelled towards the men. This sign can also be seen in men since depression happens in both male and females. Again, this behavior sometimes leads them to substance abuse, misplaced anger, or engage in life-threatening activities.

6. Weight Loss

First is loss of appetite, which will overtime metamorphous into weight loss. The thing is, when the body is not getting enough nutrients it requires, it suffers. And coupled with the psychological turmoil going on in there, the victim’s outlook is made a reflection of what he/she is going through. This is also as dangerous as not having good sleep.

7. Uncontrolled Emotion

Sometimes victims of depression behave differently; they have a frequent mood swing, which makes them act most of the time uncontrollably. Such people will often want to shout, cry, and laugh hysterically most of the time. When things like this happen on repeat, have in mind that depression could be a likely option. In times like this, make them talk to you, but never make the mistake of ignoring such signs because it may become worse. 

8. Suicide Attempts

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013 alone, over 42,000 people are reported to have committed depression-suicide. It has been confirmed that people who commit suicide eventually often talk about it severely before the actual event. Some of them will also inflict injuries on themselves. When you observe such behavior in either your friend or loved one, it is advised you call 911 immediately for help. And we also urge you to stay close to the person, remove any dangerous item close to them, and make sure you don’t argue with them until help comes.

9. Excess Alcohol Consumption

Majority of men who fall to depression often take alcohol or worst-case scenario, drugs. This is to help them get over their feeling of loneliness, sadness, and hopelessness. According to the United States, Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 1 out of 5 people in the United States who suffer from depression also suffer from either substance abuse or alcohol abuse. Again, the same people with alcohol and substance abuse also suffer from a mood disorder. So when someone close to you succumbs to alcohol and drugs, this could be a sign. 

10. Physical Pain

Though depression is a mental condition, it can also have physical effects. Aside from weight loss and fatigue, people should also look out for backache, chronic pain conditions, digestive problems, headache, e.t.c. Sometimes, taking medications can solve this problem, but it is likely to return in no time. In this case, we advise you to seek a lasting solution by going for therapies, or seeing your psychologist.

Finally, the best way to redeem yourself from depression is to seek help through others. We notice that sometimes people who suffer from depression hide their signs from people to avoid being stigmatized. Self-help is key and seeking professional help is always the best way.

Written by Andre

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