
Tips to Finding Your Identity

Are you going through hard times and need to rediscover yourself? Do you feel discouraged are you in a slump? Well, just know that you are not alone in this. Many have gone through this path while others are still on it and still fighting for their redemption. You may find the need to ask yourself, where do I start from here? Well, it has been said that the first place to look when you are undergoing a self discovering is yourself. Others may help you through the process, but the most important factor behind your salvation is you!

Our current situation sometimes make us go through the worse feeling in our lives. That feeling that we have lost ourselves to the war of survival.. We feel that we don’t deserve what we are getting probably because of something someone said or because of certain events that happened in our lives. Some of these feelings can also come as a result of being disappointed by either friends or family who have failed to fulfill their promises. In situations like this, we may not feel comfortable with who we are anymore. Well, we have compiled some useful tips which can be an aide to rediscovering oneself and to understand your self worth.  Here are some useful strategies to finding your identity:

  1. Discover your personality

The first step to discovering yourself is to understand your personality and discover those things that makes up who you are. For example, ask yourself, can I sing? How good am I with numbers? Can I cook? How creative or innovative can I be? e.t.c. Making such discoveries about yourself helps you in knowing your capabilities, and helps you (re)discover other parts of you. Coming to terms with your personality teaches a lot about both your emotions and abilities.

2. Pay attention to your feelings

We meet different people everyday, and we encounter different situations on a daily basis as well. Some of these daily encounters comes with different feelings: love, hate, happiness, sadness, e.t.c. Use those experiences and feelings to scale your emotions. Observe it closely and understand how you react when faced with certain emotional situations. Know what turns you on, what makes you happy, and what pulls you down. Only then you will realize what to go for and what to avoid. Also note that if you are an introvert, it’s advised that you step out of your shell and seek out human interaction. Only then you will be able to achieve this process.

3. Get Close to your Icon

Everybody has someone they look up to or someone they consider their hero. It could be a friend, family member. colleague, movie Star, or a musician. When you feel lost, and think you need to rediscover yourself, reach out to these people. Make some time so you can talk to them.  But in a situation where the person is a public figure and can’t be reached, read about them. Hearing people you admire speak has a way of giving you a sense of relief. Even if they are saying similar things as everybody else, hearing them say these things makes so much sense. Again, most of the time, hearing these people tell their stories leaves your soul fulfilled.

4. Internal Voice and Beliefs

We are not saying you should go to the social media to get the voice of the majority. This is where your friends are needed. Ask your friends, family, colleagues, how they feel about you. Their responses will enable you to work towards finding yourself. Asking people close to you makes it possible to gather authentic responses because they are the people that know you the best.

When we say you should look back to the past we actuality mean taking some to reflect on your history. Sometimes recalling who you were as a child, or as a bachelor, will also help you answer many questions like were you a good singer? Were you a footballer? Did you once play chess? E.t.c. Remembering these fundamental moments help you forget your troubles. That way, it will show you the person you use to be and thus help you trace your steps back to your true identity.

5. Look into the Future

Envisioning yourself doing things you have dreamt about will help find balance between who you are and who you ought to be. Seeing yourself tour the world, visiting so many awesome places has a way  of telling you who you are as a person. This is recommended especially for people who want to discover their new self after going through some life changing experiences.

6. Try Something New

Sometimes the reason why we lose ourselves is because we have failed to achieve that passion of ours. Sometimes we may have the best job in world yet feel so terrible about ourselves. So we advise you to go out there and find a new experience. Do something you have longed to do, and feed your soul with a whole new experience.

7. Get a Journal 

Write down your journey to self discovery. This is because the process of finding your identity is a long journey, so having a daily or weekly journal reminds you of who you were, and the need to get back to that personality of yours. But note, it doesn’t have to be exactly a journal per se.  It could be a picture, or a some documents that remind you who you once were before things became different. 

8. Meditation

Go into a serious dialog with your soul through meditation. Have quiet time to yourself. And reflect on your past and present life. Only then will a new episode or the next chapter of your life materialize into existence. The reason for this is because you are not really thinking about those things that weigh you down. Rather, you are allowing your soul to heal itself by letting in some thoughts.

9. Accept the Unfavorable Judgement

One of the problems people have in search of self discovery is that we sometimes refuse to accept the outcome of judgement given by our soul. During the course of self discovery, we may find out who we really are, but due to the fact that it goes against our desire, we choose to ignore it while improvising for something better. The point is, do not be ashamed of your real personality.  Rather work towards making it work in your favor. 

Finding who you really are unlocks many doors for you. It presents you with many gifts of life. It makes you happier, and helps you see life from a different angle. But mind you, when you finally discover yourself, do not think it is the end. The journey to self discovery is a continuous process. So don’t stop working on yourself even after you have found your identity.  

Written by Andre

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